Completing a Payment


Earnnest offers real estate agents and escrow holders flexible options for securely collecting earnest money payments. Whether your real estate agent or escrow holder initiates the request, follow these simple steps to ensure a smooth and secure transaction:

1. Enter the Payment Details

Enter the earnest money amount and the details of the transaction and click Continue.

2. Confirm Your Identity

Provide the information needed to confirm your identity.

3. Connect to Your Bank

Add your bank account. Earnnest uses Plaid to verify and link your bank. This process is both secure and private. Click Use Plaid and follow the prompts to connect your bank.

4. Review and Pay

After checking that all your details are accurate, click Review and pay. When you are ready, click Pay. After the payment is complete, Earnnest generates a payment receipt that is automatically emailed to the payer, the requester (if the payment was requested), the escrow holder, and any other parties that were manually added to the transaction. All stakeholders receive the payment receipt simultaneously, ensuring transparency and comprehensive record-keeping.

Earnnest product on laptop computer showing the paid screen.
Get started with Earnnest

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